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Baby #2, we’re due!


Baby secrets…I HATE keeping them. I hated keeping them for our first baby and the second one is even harder. I’m don’t know if it’s because we’re in the midst of a global pandemic and everything is SO different this time around or because I don’t have my mom to spill the news to this time or what, but it was HARD to keep this secret for the “requisite” 13 weeks. Much harder to go almost 20 weeks with zipped lips! But ya’ll, I am CRAVING that human connection. Did you guys know that husbands can’t go into your appointments with you unless you luck out and your OBGYN office allows them in for the sonogram? Totally get it, I do…but it’s hard. On both of us.

Baby Symptoms

With Kaya, our first born, I feel like I had zero to none of the stereotypical pregnancy symptoms. Sure, I felt queasy every now and again during the last couple of weeks in my first trimester but nothing especially terrible, that I recall. I seriously thought (to myself) that I was having a picture perfect pregnancy, at least in terms of my symptoms. Granted, I never “glowed”. I’m pretty sure that’s a lie that you’re supposed to “glow”. I did have a major food aversion to BBQ with Kaya, which, if you’ve read our blog in depth at all, that’s practically a sin in this house. No long term effects though…both Kaya and I very much enjoy our smoked meat today.

This time around…holy MOLY. I feel like I’ve been hit by a TRUCK. Daily nausea, heartburn and an insatiable appetite. Weird cravings are showing themselves. Maybe not ice cream and pickles cravings, but weird for me. Food aversions are definitely a thing for me too. If anyone knows me in the real world, they know that I have a macaroni and cheese affinity that could rival Jenna Kutcher’s (game on, girl…game on.) But right now, I haven’t actively sought out mac and cheese or it’s slightly older brother, fettuccine alfredo, since early in my first trimester. Just can’t handle it. It’s so heavy.

Baby Cravings

Let’s talk the fun-ner symptoms of pregnancy! Or, at least I think cravings can be fun…or fun-ny I guess!

  1. La Madeleine’s Chicken Ceasar Salad
    I’ve been craving La Madeleine’s Chicken Ceasar Salad practically every day and sometimes I’ll eat it four days a week when I have zero self- control. I feel like there could be worse cravings than this.
  2. Ice Cream
    Yah yah, original, right? I can’t get enough ice cream. I definitely have a sweet tooth this time around. Doesn’t really matter the flavor!
  3. Pizza
    Ugh, this one has been bad. I could probably eat Costco’s Pepperoni Pizza at least once a week and be ok with that decision. (If you don’t know about Costco pizza, I beg you to at least try it…I’ll come back to this after pregnancy and see if I still feel this way)
  4. Salt
    Mostly in chips form. But I’ve been told I need to cut this from the diet as much as possible now, which makes me a little sad.
  5. Fruit
    Haha, just kidding. I’m watching it almost go bad on my counter and then either making it into a dessert or applesauce for Kaya. (Great applesauce recipe below, btw!) I definitely need to eat more fruit.

Needless to say, heartburn is DEFINITELY in action these days. I never really suffered from this before, but it’s not my fave! To combat this…I drink a LOT of water everyday, I try to stick with once a week (if that) ice cream portions and if I DO eat pizza every week, I keep it to 1-2 slices.

This pregnancy is NIGHT and DAY different from my first. Most notable, COVID19 changes have made things rather, different…and lonely.

I’m gonna be a what?! A Big sister!?!?

COVID19 Pregnancy

Neil and I have been talking about adding another Rentfro to the family since around October 2019 but we didn’t start mentally preparing or “trying” until January. We had NO idea (like most of us) that anything like COVID19 would rear its ugly face this year. So much has changed in the world, not only with the much debated social distancing ordinances, but definitely in the medical fields, all the way to expectant moms.

Protocol to see the OB/GYN is so different. I’m so lucky that Neil is so hands on with Kaya and wanted to be with this baby too, but he’s really missed out this round. The poor guy isn’t allowed into any of my doctor’s appointments so he has to experience many things via video (first ultrasound) or voice recording (first heartbeat recording). Thankfully, he is still allowed in for sonograms but those are still few and far between since we’re just NOW into the second trimester. Hopefully he’ll be able to join me for more as we draw nearer to the due date. This also makes things a bit lonelier for me and more reliable on my pregnancy brain to remember all of the things I need to relay to him about the progress of both myself and baby.

Other notable changes include being required to wear a mask to every appointment, but that’s no surprise to me! I figured we would need to do this and I’m happy to do so. Especially since pregnant women have a lowered immune system. That makes us WAY more susceptible to catching, well, any virus not just the dreaded COVID19. I already have a lowered immune system so this was a pretty easy thing for me to be ok with. Plus…I just hate being sick, whether it’s a cold or the flu or even just allergies.

Trying to stay healthy AND sane during COVID19!

The expectant moms in my clinic are all very diligently spaced out to provide the least amount of people in the waiting room at one time. For most of us, these appointments are the only time we see anyone outside of our households for any extended amount of time. I can’t deny that the waiting game is anything but a desperate attempt at a modern day sewing circle from women SO ready to communicate with each other in person. We don’t even need to know each others’ names, we have a common bond of laughing together while pregnant during this crazy effing time.

Baby is doing fantastic, by the way!! We’re so excited to see what he or she will be and will definitely keep you all posted!

There will be SO much more to talk about, but just wanting to get this out there to the world! We’re SO excited to add another little baby Rentfro to our family and Kaya is beyond THRILLED to be a big sister! Let’s pray that that mindset sticks with her forever! HAHA!

As promised, here’s the applesauce recipe that’s easy peasy!

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